But my garden isn't all about the hoophouse!!!! The 'open garden' is looking great and the broccoli, cabbage and Brussel Sprouts that I have under a net are the stars of the garden, so far. The netting is working to keep out the cabbage moths, so no leaves have been chewed and no eggs have been laid, I hope. The asparagus root (ds 3/23) hasn't yet made an appearance, although I look for it everyday. I can't wait to see those feathery fronds! The peas are reaching for the vertical netting, and the wintered over Swiss Chard is producing again! Didn't think it would survive the winter, but since we had such a mild one, it did! Hooray! Welcome back Swiss Chard!!
P.S. One last thing. Blogger changed it's format and now it is especially user unfriendly! That is why my picture of the garden at the top of the page is so small. I spent an hour trying to make it large like it was before all of these great changes. Why do they do that? And when they change something, do they actually sit down and try to make a page? Ugh!!!
HOOPHOUSE: Roma tomatoes (si 1/31, t HH 2/22\\ si 3/12, t HH 4/20); Beefsteak Tomatoes (si 2/3, t HH 3/13\\ si 3/12, t HH 4/20); Heirloom tomatoes (si 2/7, t HH 3/13\\ si 3/12, t HH 4/20); Cherry tomatoes (si 2/16, t HH 3/13\\ si 3/12, t HH 4/20), Peppers (si 3/18, t HH 4/20); Butternut squash (si 4/10, t HH 4/20); gourds (si 4/10, t HH 4/20); Herbs - Basil, Parsley, Marjoram, Chives, Rosemary (si 3/12, t HH 4/17); Flowers - Marigolds, zinnias, coleus, pansies (si 3/12, t HH 4/17); Nasturiums (ds HH 4/18)
GARDEN: Garlic (wo); Swiss Chard (wo, si 1/16, ds 3/8); Peas (ds 3/8, 4/18); Brussel Spts (si 2/16, ds 3/8, t HH 3/13, t garden 3/16); Parsnips (ds 3/8); lettuce (si 1/27, ds HH 2/22, ds 3/8, ds 4/18); Mesclun (ds 3/8, B 4/16; 4/2); Kale (ds 3/8); Spinach (si 1/31, si 4/2, si 4/10, ds 4/18); onion sets (ds 3/23); asparagus root (ds 3/23); Dill (ds 4/6); Broccoli (si 2/9, t HH 3/6, t garden 3/13); cabbage (si 3/5, t garden 3/16)
ds = direct sow; si = sow inside; t = transplant; HH = hoophouse; B = bolted
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