I haven’t had anything to say since I took the hoophousedown ,
because all that’s been going on is lots of growing! The garden is awesome and I’m actually going
out today to buy some Ball jars for canning.
I decided to can at least the spaghetti sauce so it doesn’t take up so
much room in the freezer. Gosh, I haven’t
canned in about 30+ years and remember standing over a bubbling caldron one hot
summer day. Maybe that’s why I haven’t
done it in such a long time!
My tomato plants that were transplanted into the
hoophouse April 1st are now 6’ tall and loaded with tomatoes. There are 10 plants in my 4’x8’ raised bed
and I top dress with compost when there is enough finished compost. There are other tomato plants scattered
throughout the garden, but these were not the early starts, but are still doing
great nonetheless. They also have lots
of flowers, but only a few fruits. The
peas have been bountiful and I am enjoying fresh peas in my daily salads. The Swiss Chard is still going strong as is
the Kale, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts.
The Brussel sprouts are starting to develop little mini cabbages along
the stalk. It’s the first time I’ve ever
grown them and it is interesting to watch them develop. The red cabbage look great and I still have
them under netting to protect them from Cabbage Moths. Problem is, a moth found its way in and I am
hoping that it didn’t have time to lay eggs before I squished it. I haven’t picked any bush beans yet, but that
will probably start happening next week, as there are lots of little beans just
now. The gourds and cukes are growing up
the fencing and I can’t tell one from the other right now. Hopefully, I will have lots of cukes to make
into refrigerator pickles. I only planted 2 zucchini plants this year for reasons that are obvious. I have a few little zucchinis ripening up and will be ready to harvest very soon. The peppers
and eggplants are still small but holding their own. I know from past years they don’t really pick
up steam until July. Some of the herbs
are thriving, but others, not so much.
The chives and oregano are out of control, and the parsley is just okay,
but the rosemary and sage are just sitting there in the soil. I only have one dill plant, eventhough I
planted lots. I think I need new
seeds. I’ll put that on the list for
next year. And the asparagus…. Well, it IS coming up, slowly but surely, but
I was expecting a more spectacular showing.
Maybe I have unrealistic expectations considering I just put the roots
in this spring. I keep weeding and
weeding and weeding that bed.
I checked out the raspberries along the edge of the woods and it looks like there will be lots to pick for jelly. Only thing is, I hate climbing through those prickly bushes. No wonder raspberries are so expensive in the store!
The front perennial garden is blooming with Stella Dora lillies, tiger lillies, spirea and bee balm and a few other plants that I don't remember what they are called or when I bought them! Doesn't matter - they look beautiful.
For my birthday this year, my son John dumped off a big
pile of fresh horse manure. What an
awesome gift. My girlfriend says that I
am the only person that she knows who is happy when she gets a present bought
in Agway. So yes, I was happy with the
manure. I haven’t used much, but am
letting it mature for next year. Should
be a great garden!
I am still keeping notes in my garden journal and
following my timeline. It is very
helpful, especially keeping planting dates in line for a fall crop. July and then especially August is when I
will start seeding the lettuces, cabbages, maybe I’ll try cauliflower, and
turnips. I need to have a bed ready in
October for the hoophouse and need to be sure that there is some open
ground. Not an easy thing to do when the
garden looks like a jungle! My son Michael
just bought a new house and wants a hoophouse for next year’s growing
season. I think that he will be very
surprised that you can grow well into the winter and enjoy fresh vegetables
from your garden when the snow is on the ground!
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